weak current equipment M14 connector
Shrinkage cavity: the irregular shape and rough surface hole caused by insufficient internal compensation during the condensation process of die casting.
Under casting: filling incomplete parts in the process of die casting.
weak current equipment M14 connector |
Crack: the alloy matrix is damaged or broken, forming a long and thin gap, which is irregular and linear. There are two kinds of cracks: penetrating and non penetrating
There is a trend of development under the influence of external forces. Cracks can be divided into cold cracks and hot cracks. The main difference is the cold crack casting
The metal at the crack is not oxidized while the hot crack is oxidized.
Wrong mold: when the mold is closed, the relative position of the moving part (including the movable part of the mold) and the fixed mold are not accurate, resulting in the dislocation (relative displacement) trace of the casting shape. In general, it is called wrong thread.
Non ferrous spot: a spot on the surface of a casting that is different from the color of the base metal. ,
Pockmarked surface: in the process of filling the cavity with liquid metal, fine pockmarks with linear distribution (mostly dense) are formed on the surface of the casting
The area formed.
Ejector mark: the mark of protrusion or depression left after the surface of the die-casting is in contact with the inlaid or movable part of the die, ejector, etc.
Inclusions: metal or non-metal impurities mixed into the die casting. After the casting is processed, the size of the irregular shape is shown here,
The spots or holes with different colors and brightness are often partially or completely filled with impurities.
Loose: the small holes on the die casting caused by aggregation or dispersion cause local non dense structure.
Flash: sheet metal on the edge of the parting surface (or moving part) of a die casting.
Fleshy: the same part of the surface of the die-casting repeatedly appears redundant protruding parts of the same shape.
Deformation: the overall deformation of the die-casting parts whose geometry does not conform to the drawing.
Mechanical damage: the scar on the surface of die casting caused by mechanical impact.
Brittleness: the grain of casting base metal is too coarse or small, which makes the casting easy to break or break.
Leakage: the die casting has water leakage, air leakage or water seepage after test.