Monday, December 7, 2020

The construction of usb camera control room shall meet the following requirements:

The construction of usb camera control room shall meet the following requirements:

1. The construction of control room shall meet the design requirements and comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standard "code for construction and acceptance of electronic information system room" (GB 50462 connector).

2. The installation of cabinet and rack shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standard "code for quality acceptance of intelligent building engineering" (GB 50339 M12 connector).

3. The termination of all kinds of jumpers and cables shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standard code for acceptance of generic cabling system engineering (GB 50312).

4. The installation of the console shall meet the following requirements:

1) The installation of the console shall meet the design requirements.

2) The console should be placed on the horizontal ground, and should be stable and firm.

3) The accessories shall be complete without damage; the table top shall be clean without scratches.

4) The wiring in the console should be arranged reasonably and orderly; the connector should be contacted reliably and installed firmly.

5. The grounding of control room shall meet the design requirements.

5.2.8 lightning protection and grounding of the system shall meet the design requirements, and shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standards "code for construction and acceptance of grounding device of electrical installation engineering" GB 50169 and "code for acceptance of construction quality of building electrical engineering" (GB 50303).

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